14 years in HSV
How has the rent increase affected you?
The effect of the rent increase has affected me emotionally because I have seen many friends leave. My best friend Josan since I was in pre-school moved away and I have never really said goodbye to her before she moved since she had left within a week. It was hard for me since I grew up with her and I would always play around with her. Her family and my family were also close so my mom and I were upset they had to move away further from us. It was always hard since we had no contact even till this day so I don’t know how she is doing.
What does this community mean to you?
Chinatown has been my home for as long as I can remember. I was born here and I grew up here. I went to Chinatown Service Center Child pre-school and Castelar elementary school here. I went to alpine park almost everyday afterschool. The ice cream truck man that was there everyday afterschool saw me grow up. My mom would always make friends everywhere we went.
How do you feel seeing your parents struggle?
I feel many different emotions while seeing my parents struggle. I get scared seeing my mom crying and worrying about our home. I remember she sat me down and told me that we might have to move one day. I was always scared that day would come. I was a kid who should not be worrying if I will have a home the next day. Now that I’m a little older and understand what is happening I get upset. When I join the meeting or ask my mom what happened, it’s always about people lying to us and saying they are going to help then they ignore us as if we don’t exist. My mom came back from the meeting and told my sister and I how Karen Bass was going to help us but after she got elected mayor she never once helped us. My mom was frustrated and so was I. It’s hard and annoying to be told yes I will help you no matter what then just get pushed away like you don’t even exist.
What is it like growing up in a situation like this?
It’s been hard growing up in a situation like this but also fun. My friends and I would always hang outside while they had a meeting. The courtyard was always loud no matter what day it was or how late. We had a big friend group with every kid in Hillside Villa. We loved helping them make posters and make banners even protest on the streets. We would get scared that one day that would be the last time we ever saw each other. After quarantine the courtyard has been so silent. You don’t hear the sound of kids laughing or screaming anymore. Most of the kids moved away or grew up. I don’t see my friends as I would when I was 9.
“This fight has taught me and shown me many different things. I have learned that I have a voice and shouldn’t be afraid to speak. I have the rights to tell people my story about Hillside Villa. I also learned to protest. I grew up going to protest in Hillside Villa.”
How have you seen your mom transform?
I have seen my mom transform into this amazing powerful speaker. My mom is a shy and quiet lady, she is not talkative unless you talk to her. She would talk and get along with everyone but talking in front of people wasn’t my mom's thing. While being involved in meetings my mom has gotten comfortable at speaking in front of people. She has a powerful voice and her words are very heartful and truthful. She has gotten the confidence to say what's on her mind. She is a woman whose voice wants to be heard. She wants change to our apartment. She is done with all the games and wants people to know she isn’t messing around but is determined to stay at Hillside Villa.
What has this fight taught you and shown you?
This fight has taught me and shown me many different things. I have learned that I have a voice and shouldn’t be afraid to speak. I have the rights to tell people my story about Hillside Villa. I also learned to protest. I grew up going to protest in Hillside Villa. It is a different experience for protest. There are many things to be aware of while protesting, for example police and people who disagree. Another thing I have learned was we are not going through it alone. There are many other apartments who were kicked out of their homes. My mom was kicked out of an apartment which later they used it for a parking lot. People shouldn’t be taking away homes because they need space for cars. One of the things that I grew up knowing was that kids know everything. They see their parents struggling and worrying. They see people moving out of their houses. They see their friends being kicked out and not seeing them ever again. The kids have eyes on everything. They also hear what is going on in the meetings and want to step up but are too afraid to. The last thing I learned was how politicians work. Most politicians don’t care for whatever you’re going through; they just want their money or for you to support them and give them more attention. They like to use you in a way to get what they want.